offering 8

This week’s offering has a little less writing as an experiment. I’m planning to keep making these offerings with minimal context, and moving my writing to full-length blogposts, which is what’s happening this week. There’s a blogpost on ritual sacrifice coming tomorrow!

For now I leave you with trashgame wonderland, a mind-bending animated spacecast, and a little something on the foundations of geopolitics. (check out past weekly offerings at the altar)

@moshboy, the trashgame curator

Creator of The Pirate Bay Bundle

Moshboy is one of those criminally underappreciated internet personalities. I’ve been following him for something like 6 or 7 years now? A curator of trashgames, small videogames that aren’t conventionally “polished” or “comercially viable” but which are nonetheless interesting and charming in their weirdness. To get a quick feel for what I’m talking about, take a look at the trailer for “The Pirate Bay Bundle”, something he put together in 2014.

In 2016 he undertook the Herculean task of  curating 1000 makers of weird games  and he DID IT. Check it out, all those games are pretty interesting. I think he uses an account called “ how many tiny wierd (free) videogames can i curate before i die ” to share individual games nowadays.

The fact that this person’s love for tiny odd games leads him to spend years playing and sharing them is so inspiring. His passion opens your mind and makes you look at digital artifacts in another light. Stepping into someone’s trashgame and can be pretty spiritual, it’s like being hosted in someone’s brain for a little bit.

We’ve never interacted much but I want to thank @moshboy for his patronage in the name of all the game makers he promotes.

Midnight gospel

Drugs, family, death, emotions, magic, psychadelia and much more. It’s a visual podcast embedded in a whimsical world like nothing you’ve seen before. From the themes, to the lovingly crafted visuals, to every single beat of it, this show is a treasure.

This is my new favourite animated thing, it’ll make you laugh, blow your mind, make you cry and then watch it again.

Mackinder’s Heartland thesis

The Heartland thesis (1904) is one of the foundational theories of modern geopolitics. Starting from assumptions about the defining role of geographical features in human states, Mackinder reasons out a world-encompassing theory of conflict and political power.

Dugin, whose geopolitics Putin seems to follow

in 1919, Mackinder summarised his theory thus: “Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland; who rules the Heartland commands the World-Island; who rules the World-Island commands the world.” (Mackinder, Democratic Ideals and Reality, p. 150)

Thanks for reading!